CEO Concerns


  • CEO Concerns
  • Which is best for motivating a team – carrots or sticks?

    We spend a lot of time debating the problems of motivating a team – when to use carrots or sticks, or what level of bonus might be appropriate for a…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Making work fun

    I just received an email asking “Could Ping Pong, ice cream or space hoppers help you to improve key HR issues such as productivity, wellbeing, engagement and absence management?” The…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Staff sickness cancels 500 trains

    It has been a bad week for anyone who has to commute into London by Southern Railway. The trains are packed enough as it is, with many season ticket holders…

    Adapted from 'The Best Universities in the US' by T Farrant, GDS Infographics. Flickr CC Licence
  • CEO Concerns
  • Using WeThrive to boost employee engagement

    There are plenty of tools out there to boost employee engagement, and they all produce impressive-looking reports. So far so good, but the hard part for managers who have to do…

    Employee retention
  • CEO Concerns
  • Seven key signs your employees are not engaged

    In four words: Disengagement costs you money It’s odd that a thing as nebulous as poor engagement costs money, but it does – according to Forbes report on the cost of…

    Dumping the performance review
  • CEO Concerns
  • Big business is dumping the performance review. You next?

    According to the Washington Post, the annual performance review is finally on its way. A number of big companies have already said they’re taking the plunge, Accenture, Gap and Adobe…

    Healthy workplaces make for happy and effective employees
  • CEO Concerns
  • Healthy workplaces make for happy and effective employees

    It’s official – the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the UK body that looks after public health, says that if you look after the wellbeing of employees…

    Prêt a manger finds a happy team means great results. Image by Justin Goring, Flickr CC
  • CEO Concerns
  • A happy team makes for tasty results

    If you were listening to the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning you may have heard the chief executive of Pret a Manger sounding very happy about the…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Insights Discovery and WeThrive – what’s the difference?

    Interesting question from the head of the Learning Academy in a very big multinational company: what’s the difference between WeThrive and the Insights Discovery system? On the face of it there ought…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Want motivated employees? Develop your leadership skills…

    It’s a confusing world: employee engagement is linked to management candour, motivation is linked to engagement, remuneration was linked to motivation for several centuries but then it turns out not…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Try our free performance review template – in the downloads centre with other valuable people-management resources!

    Life, eh?  You make it through Massive Monday and you’re still manager of xyz widgets, and just when you’d like a bit of a rest here comes the performance review…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Leadership skills beat Massive Monday

    So you made it through Massive Monday – the day when more people consider a job change or a relationship split than any other day of the year.  Searching for…


    hybrid working
  • CEO Concerns
  • Thu, May 27, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

    Hybrid Working: Strategies for Success

    As the population gets vaccinated, lockdown eases, and the country returns to normality, organisations are entering a crucial period of change. But after a year of remote work, what does…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Thu, Mar 11, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

    5 tips for unlocking motivation in your remote team

    Organisations facing falling motivation levels and increasing numbers of disengaged employees in 2021 may not come as a huge surprise. Last year, 45% of UK businesses reported feeling confused about…

    International Womens Day 2021
  • CEO Concerns
  • Thu, Jan 21, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

    5 tips for your 2021 people strategy

    If you want to design a people strategy that really works and enables your workforce to thrive as we recover from the pandemic then this Webinar is for you.

    headspace and breathe
  • CEO Concerns
  • Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

    Safeguarding employee wellbeing and improving productivity

    Among the complex challenges CEOs and MDs have faced this year, keeping the workforce safe, happy and productive has been one of the most important – yet hardest to overcome.…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Wed, Jan 29, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

    Creating a culture of listening, learning at WeThrive

    In order to improve engagement, retention and wellbeing at your organisation you need a system that is designed to deliver both insights and most importantly recommendations of where to focus your valuable time to help you hit your objectives – within an already busy schedule. Learn how with this webinar

    White Papers

  • CEO Concerns
  • Surviving and thriving in a brave new world

    This paper offers insights into how we bridge the gap between the old world and the new one – giving managers the knowledge, skills and resources they need to keep their people happy, focused, and productive.

  • CEO Concerns
  • Employee ROI – Where’s the pay back?

    This whitepaper connects reliable statistics with input from industry bodies on the real cost of unhappy and disengaged staff – the figures are eye watering!


    employee wellbeing
  • CEO Concerns
  • The guide to employee engagement: For happy and productive people

    *Updated June 2020 for accuracy and comprehensiveness post COVID 19* Among the complex challenges every business is now facing, from remote working, changing work practices to meet social distancing requirements…

  • CEO Concerns
  • Employee wellbeing: the game-changer guide

      This guide on employee wellbeing has been created in association with Access Group. Based on our collective experience and the data collected in our surveys, we have uncovered key…