Drive Results by Strengthening People Management Capabilities
Thurs, 4th Nov, 2021 14:00 – 15:00 PM GMT
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Andrew Heath, Sandy Locke,
CEO, WeThrive HRM, Lombard International
Senior management in financial services carry significant responsibilities and higher levels of personal accountability since the introduction of SM&CR regulations in 2016. But key objectives such as encouraging staff at all levels to take personal responsibility for their actions and ensuring firms and staff clearly understand and can demonstrate where responsibility lies were always hard to achieve. Hybrid working just added another layer of complexity to an already challenging situation.
Join UK Finance’s latest webinar “Drive Results by Strengthening People Management Capabilities (SM&CR)” on 4th November at 14:00 with Andrew Heath, CEO of WeThrive and Sandy Locke, HRD of Lombard International to discover how to strengthen your people management capabilities and cultivate a culture of personal responsibility to help successfully meet your SM&CR commitments in 2022.