5 Ways to Create a Culture of Trust, Respect & Empowerment
Weds, 22nd Sept 2021 at 14:00 – 14:40 PM GMT
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Andrew Heath, David Blackburn,
Are you a CPO, HRD or MD trying to optimise your hybrid working strategy to ensure your organisation grows and thrives? At the heart of this is trust.
86% of Britain’s financial workforce say that having an employer who trusts them is important for their overall happiness at work. And nearly half of employees report feeling distrusted, resulting in anxiety and stress at work, which has a significant impact on engagement and productivity. But in a hybrid working environment, how can you identify those at risk and take steps to improve performance?
Nobody has a blueprint for hybrid working success. But internationally recognised CPO David Blackburn is pretty close, and cultivating a culture of trust, respect and empowerment is key. Join our free webinar and learn best practices to make hybrid working a success for your people and your customers.
Join Andrew Heath, CEO of WeThrive and David Blackburn, CPO of FSCS & one of the Top 100 HR Directors in the World on 22nd September at 14:00 to discover:
- How to understand the culture of your organisation today – what questions should you be asking?
- Why high trust cultures deliver improved business performance
- The behaviours that build trust in your relationships and your teams
- How to empower your people and improve performance
- Embracing and implementing Smarter Working to unlock success