Intelligent Engagement Surveys With
Real-Time Data Analysis…

Get Recommendations, Goals & Content For Managers To Take Swift Action

Are you dreading the next engagement survey, because the last one still hasn’t had an impact?

Do you and your team spend months sifting through data, looking for trends and searching for inspiration?

WeThrive is a better way to run surveys, that empowers Managers to take ownership and take action.

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Employee engagement software that tells you what to do next

WeThrive puts MANAGERS AT THE HEART of engagement and feedback surveys, and reduces HR input. Our unique intelligent survey digs deeper into any issues that are flagged by employees, and then dynamically gives suggestions on how to improve.

This means that Managers will take ownership of their staff’s employee experience, and everyone benefits. Including HR who are set free from crunching spreadsheets and trying to get busy managers to attend feedback workshops.

“A big attraction was the immediacy of analysing feedback and the variety of ways we could explore the results. WeThrive provide comparisons internally and with external benchmarks, create action plans and provide recommendations to improve those areas.”

Katie D – Director of People, St Margarets Hospice

Employee engagement surveys that tell you what to do next

Employee engagement software with intelligent surveys to get right to the heart of what needs to change to help your people thrive.

Intelligent Surveys™​

Our surveys use human needs psychology to uncover how engaged your people are over 16 key engagement drivers (we also cover EDI and wellbeing).

Intelligent second level questions dig deeper into low scoring areas, uncovering the exact changes required to increase overall engagement, performance, and wellbeing.

The survey takes a few minutes to complete on any device and you can include custom questions.  Average participation rates  are between 80 and 100%.

Read a case study.


Employee engagement

The main driver of employee engagement is how employees feel about their manager. Using the outputs from our unique intelligent surveys our recommendations, goals, actions and curated content we give managers the vital insights they need to strengthen that relationship.

All of this is achieved by our platform. Removing the need for hours of number crunching, workshops or focus groups. Freeing HR to focus on adding value, coaching and supporting managers to complete the recommendations.

Check out Employee Engagement Survey: The Complete Guide

The only employee engagement software on the market with intelligent surveys to uncover the truth about how your people feel.


Mental health & wellbeing

WeThrive’s mental health and wellbeing survey identifies the root causes of stress, burnout and anxiety in your people.​​

Maximise the impact of your wellbeing budget with a clear picture of your people’s needs. Confidently target your wellbeing strategy and initiatives right where it is needed the most.​​

Individuals receive easy-to-follow action plans, recommendations and content to help them take steps to improve their own wellbeing – reducing latent stress and anxiety.​

“WeThrive solved how people are feeling at work, especially with mental health”


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Employee engagement software that includes wellbeing surveys for everyone.


Diversity, equality, equity & inclusion

WeThrive’s diversity and inclusion survey helps you identify and tackle the key weakness and opportunities in your culture with clear, straightforward insights directly from your people.​

​Quickly create a psychologically safe environment for everyone regardless of their background, identity, abilities or circumstances so they feel heard, included and have a strong sense of belonging.

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EDI surveys included in our employee engagement software

Our employee engagement software includes a pulse survey builder.

Create & send your own pulse survey​

​With our employee engagement software gathering feedback ist quick and easy with our pulse survey builder. Add your own questions or choose from our templates.​

From onboarding and exit surveys, health and safety concerns, to working from home or moments that matter, our survey templates are available for all customers.

“I love the fact we can use pulse surveys for lots of different activities”


Content signposting​

​Employees rarely utilise the support and learning resources their organisation provides if this is disconnected from the help they need. ​

​WeThrive makes it simple to link your own platforms, people and content to results dashboards and action plans. ​

​For example, link your EAP or mental health first aiders, LinkedIn learning or rewards portal to your people’s results in a few clicks – so they get the right tools at the right time.

Employee engagement software that connects your people with the right resources to help them thrive.

Book a demo of our employee engagement software

See WeThrive in action

Book a demo today to discover how WeThrive’s employee engagement software will empower your managers to engage their teams, save HR 100s of hours of admin and maximise your impact.

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