Employee engagement case studies

Employee engagement case studies from WeThrive clients. Learn how our clients have used WeThrive to transform their organisations and build happy, productive and empowered teams in these employee engagement case studies.

WeThrive Customer Testimonials


Read a selection of recent testimonials from WeThrive clients and their employees.

How Bristow & Sutor tune into their employee voice

Kim Parsons
Group Employee Experience Manager

“We have recently launched an anonymous WeThrive survey that will provide us with valuable insight into how Bristow & Sutor Group employees feel. This will influence what we can do to improve work experiences individually but also recognise where things are working well, so we can celebrate success and share best practice for the future.”

Personal Group see staff retention rise by 19%

Rebekah Tapping
HR Director at Personal Group

“The process was simple, the support throughout has been quick and the results are easy to view and interpret. I would definitely recommend WeThrive to anyone looking for an employee engagement survey tool with a difference.”

Get 93% completion rate in non-anonymous survey

Pip Murr
Chief People Officer

“We were delighted to see that, on average, 84% of the time people are clear on what is expected of them. 80% of the time they feel connected to the company’s mission and know how their work impacts the customers. 80% of the time they feel able to collaborate effectively with their colleagues. We believe that the ratings will be even more positive on our next survey now that our Management team have supported, listened to and acted upon the needs of those team members that had brought the ratings down.”

Boundless using new perspectives to support culture change

Ailsa Suttie
Operations Director

"WeThrive gives us clarity of focus on the areas we need to get better at and ultimately supports our overall performance. Given it is so easy to use and the reports are superfast and specifically detailed it’s a dream system!"

WeThrive Customer Testimonials


Read a selection of recent testimonials from WeThrive clients and their employees.

How Artisanal Spirits Prioritise Employee Development

Laura Hardie
HR Manager, Artisanal Spirits PLC

Artisanal Spirits and Laura Hardie, their Business Partner turned HR Manager are reimagining their performance management process to ensure every individual can discuss their progression and development opportunities in a dedicated, quality 1:1s every month. To achieve this, Laura has moved the organisation away from an annual, DIY process and partnered with WeThrive to deliver consistent, quality conversations for all their people.

How individuals at FSCS are owning their employee experience

David Blackburn
Chief People Officer, Financial Services Compensation Scheme

“Using a non-anonymous survey was revelatory. Anonymity results in a blended mish-mash of data and can only take you so far with understanding how people really feel. With individual insights you get absolute clarity about what is really happening and can pinpoint individual needs. This means the line manager can take ownership and really address each individuals requirements.”

Travel Nation

Verley North
HR Manager at Travel Nation

"It was a bit like ‘them and us’ before we had We Thrive, and now it’s ‘us’. It’s not about management and sales team or on all sales, it’s all about ‘us’ as a whole"


Gareth Way
HR & Training Director

WeThrive will complement and enhance the data obtained from the Best Companies survey, placing us in an even more informed position as to the way that staff are connecting with the business, and critically guide what to do to make things better.


Pat McDonagh
Chief Executive Officer

The WeThrive solution has helped us more easily check and manage employee engagement and satisfaction. We know that with only a little bit of effort we can take the temperature and derive insightful feedback from our people. This puts us in a far better position to improve engagement within a fast growing business. WeThrive has been invaluable.

Engaging managers with previous negative people management

Jane Austin
HR Director, Wave Utilities

“The overriding feeling was that the session was so much more than just a good introduction to a survey. The knowledge Piers shared around mental health and wellbeing really resonated with the managers. Thrivology was particularly successful in engaging managers who had previously not been too keen on people management training. One manager was so motivated that they sat down with their team to share their experience and inform them of the survey before internal communications for their first survey had even begun!”