Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health at Work

Safeguarding employee wellbeing and mental health is not only an ethical requirement, but a legal one too. Discover how you can support your employees’ wellbeing with our range of content.


Empowering Managers: A Key to Prioritising Employee Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, employee wellbeing has become a critical concern for organisations. According to Deloitte’s latest report, most employees reported that their wellbeing either worsened or…

mental health awareness week

Tackling loneliness at work

Feeling alone is a key indicator of poor mental health, so it is apt that the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) has selected loneliness as the theme for the 2022 Mental Health Awareness Week.

Sticky note with team removed and community in it's place

How community spirit can combat workplace stress

It is apt that this year’s theme for Stress Awareness Month is ‘Community’. The Covid lockdowns and isolation periods resulted in a loss of interaction with our fellow human beings.…

What is the cost of mental health in the workplace?

What is the cost of mental health in the workplace?

Poor mental health and wellbeing at work can cost organisations a significant amount of lost time, money and resources. Employees who feel unhappy or unsupported cannot work to their full…

employee wellness day

What are employee wellbeing days at work?

Most organisations have some form of employee wellbeing days at work. But what purpose do they serve? And are they the most valuable tool for improving mental health and wellbeing…

benefits of flexible working for employees

The Benefits of Flexible Working for Employees

You may have noticed that, recently, there has been an abundance of blogs, articles and studies about flexible working, but what are the benefits of flexible working for employees? Millions…

Enabling Your Personal Response to the Coronavirus

Dave Ulrich, Most Influential Global HR Leader, 2021 and Wendy Ulrich, PhD were kind enough to provide this guest blog, asking the question: What resources do you need to better…

individual stress risk assessment

Boost Engagement with an Individual Stress Risk Assessment

What is an individual stress risk assessment? An individual stress risk assessment is a tool to help employers and managers measure, understand and act on employee feedback. With a focus…

can i leave work due to stress

Can you Take Time off Work Due to Stress?

Not all illnesses can be seen, and many wonder, can you take time off work due to stress? Contacting your boss to say you need time off can be daunting.…

stress relief exercises at work

Try These Stress Relief Exercises at Work

Stress is the modern-day curse, but fortunately stress relief exercises at work can help. With our lives getting busier and more complex, stress levels are on the rise, and one…

Womans looking at wellbeing apps

Free employee engagement tools for workforce

January is often a strange time at work for employee engagement and wellbeing. Returning from the Christmas break with a whole year ahead can be a daunting prospect, especially for…

Goodbye 2020: new year in 2021

Goodbye 2020: here’s what’s on the agenda for the new year

It’s been a tough year for businesses with many facing hardship and loss as a result of the pandemic. But we’ve also seen companies take great strides to give back…


Thurs, 17th February 2022 at 10 – 10:30 AM GMT

Create a Holistic Engagement, Wellbeing & D&I Strategy

Employee engagement, mental health & wellbeing and D&I often exist as discrete strategic initiatives in organisations, owned by different groups of people with their own set of goals and objectives.

mental health wellbeing and risk

Thurs, 18th Nov 2021 14:00 – 14:40 PM GMT

Mental Health – Impact on Engagement & Productivity

Many well intentioned MDs, CPOs and HRDs have responded to the effects of the pandemic with an all-encompassing "wellbeing strategy" for their people.

Tues, 9th Nov, 2021 10:00 – 10:40 AM GMT

Psychological Safety in a Hybrid World of Work

A psychologically safe environment is considered one of the key ways to help employees.

White Papers

Why Employee Wellbeing and Mental Health Matters

Did you know that 16 million workers will be looking for a new role in the next six months, and mental health is a driving factor for 59% of them? The message is clear - look after your employees or you may lose them.

Financial Services: Safeguarding Mental Health & Wellbeing

A happy and engaged workforce will almost certainly be more productive, innovative, and less prone to absenteeism. Yet in the past, far too many businesses, notably in the financial services sector, have neglected the wellbeing of their employees.

people data for people strategy

Putting people at the heart of business

Research shows that most CEOs and CFOs see people initiatives as secondary to the main business KPIs. How do you ensure people are viewed as your greatest asset?


Employee wellbeing: the game-changer guide

  This guide on employee wellbeing has been created in association with Access Group. Based on our collective experience and the data collected in our surveys, we have uncovered key…