Employee Retention

Retaining top talent and reducing turnover is a huge challenge for many employers. Check out our selection of resources to discover what you can do to keep your people.


The Secret to Employee Retention: How to Develop and Nurture Your Talent for Long-Term Success

Employee retention is a crucial aspect of any business. But retention is more than just keeping employees on the job; it is about creating an environment that fosters growth, development,…

Why Churn is High and What You Can Do to Fix It

Employee churn can be a major challenge for businesses, as high levels of staff turnover is hugely costly and disruptive to the workplace.

How to Improve Employee Retention

Whether your employees are back in the office or still working from home, understanding how to improve employee retention should be a top priority if you want to create efficient,…

How to motivate sales teams working remotely

How to motivate sales teams working remotely

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2013 and has been updated. A big part of a sales team motivation comes from a sense of cohesion and camaraderie.…

Boy holding a green mask to his face

Should an employee engagement survey be anonymous?

It’s often said that your employee engagement surveys should be anonymous because otherwise people will not be able to speak freely. At WeThrive we know that the opposite is in…

White-faced clock on a blue wall

How often should you conduct an employee engagement survey?

If you’re considering running an employee engagement survey or looking for ways to improve your existing employee feedback program, one of the first questions you’ll have is how frequently to…

Improving employee experience or employee engagement

We are living in an age of greater workforce mobility, and we are smack bang in the middle of an employee-led recruitment market. In today’s fast-paced global business environment, staff…

Employee engagement dashboard for managers

Give your managers the tools to engage their teams

Managers hold the keys to high levels of engagement, retention and productivity – and research shows that managers account for 70% of variance in employee engagement across business units. However…

Glasses containing beer and wine being chinked to cheers

Have sobriety and purpose killed the office Christmas party?

The booze-fuelled office Christmas party has long been an essential date in the business calendar. But now businesses across the UK are rethinking it. Boozy parties are out. Volunteering for…

Is your business engaging with this growing workforce?

This blog was written and contributed to WeThrive by Becky Hesilrige. Millennials, baby boomers, gen X and gen Z. According to the media, we are in the midst of generational…

What can you do to avoid employee burn out?

What is employee burn out?  Have you been faced with a deadline so important that it simply must be done, but find yourself sitting at your desk in the afternoon…

Is the 4-day working week the future?

The idea of introducing a 4-day week may horrify some business owners. Surely if staff work for less hours that would translate to a reduction in productivity and profit? Well…


Thurs, 2nd Dec 2021 at 14:00 – 14:40 PM GMT

5 Steps to Prepare for the Looming Retention Crisis

Retaining top talent has been a significant challenge in financial services during the last decade, with trust, engagement and happiness on the decline.

Why your people leave company, and what you can do about it

The average employee costs an SME £12,000 to replace, so what can your business do to ensure you retain key staff who are critical to business success in 2020 and beyond?

Becoming the employer of choice to attract top talent

Business psychologist Piers Bishop of WeThrive and Strategy Director Belinda Gannaway of Fathom XP, will discuss what employers can do to become the employer of choice as well as strategies and insight on how to make it happen.

White Papers

How to protect your business from “The Great Resignation”

Download our white paper to learn what causes turnover and the steps you can take to fix it. Resignations are at a 20 year high with employees quitting in droves,…

one on one meeting remote

Accounting for people

This Whitepaper analyses the problems faced by the Accounting industry and how you can help your staff enjoy their work so they want to stay.

Why your people leave, and what you can do about it

The average employee costs an SME £12,000 to replace. What can you do to ensure you retain key staff who are critical to business success in 2020 and beyond?

Employer of choice

It is more crucial than ever before for businesses to attract top talent and retain their best employees. What can you do to become the employer of choice?


Personal and Professional Development Guide

The way we work has been shaken up for good and personal and professional development is on the rise. Covid-19 has forced people to develop new skills, or risk being…