Leadership and Management

Make managing your people a breeze with our expert leadership and management advice, tips, and offers in our wide selection of leadership resources.


Navigating the Path to Growth

Steering your company towards sustainable growth is a responsibility shared by CEOs and business leaders. While growth is a sign of success and progress, it comes with a unique set…

Empowering Managers: A Key to Prioritising Employee Wellbeing

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, employee wellbeing has become a critical concern for organisations. According to Deloitte’s latest report, most employees reported that their wellbeing either worsened or…

5 ways to Improve Line Manager Performance

Line manager performance play a crucial role in the success of any organisation. From leading their teams, and managing performance, to driving results. However, it’s not easy to be an…

Manager-employee relationships are critical for business

When you think back to the best job you’ve ever had, you’ll likely be thinking about the people around you. Inspiring teams, thoughtful and engaging managers and feeling connected to others. But is that how your people feel?

4 ways for managers to support engagement

Employers have been dealt a difficult hand over the last few years. Covid-19, the Great Resignation and the cost of living crisis have significantly impacted their people. HR leaders were…

What impact does fast growth have on company culture?

The early years of building a business can be an exciting and inclusive experience. When people join an organisation at the start of a journey, they can believe they are…

what is employee engagement in HR

What is Employee Engagement in HR?

According to a 2021 Harvard Business Review study, a staggering 89% of workers said that their work life was getting worse, 85% said that their well-being declined, and 56% said…

hybrid working from home policy

How to Create a Hybrid Working from Home Policy

With the rapid upsurge in demand for hybrid working, organisations should think about producing a written policy on how this will work in practice. The question is what should your…

what is excessive absenteeism?

What is excessive absenteeism at work?

When does an employee’s attendance record become a cause for concern? If you’ve picked up on an employee showing signs of excessive absenteeism it may be necessary to intervene. There…

Employee Attendance Policy and Procedure

Employee Attendance Policy and Procedure Guide

All too often the importance of employee attendance gets overlooked in business. But working hours lost can be a drain on productivity and comes with a cost. If you’re thinking…

Trends in Employee Engagement

It’s possible to plot a timeline of how employee engagement has evolved over recent times, but what are the new trends in employee engagement you should focus on? As years…

working from home contracts & clauses

Working from Home: Contracts & Clauses

Remote working was originally hailed as a temporary solution during COVID-19, but as it becomes permanent many employers must understand working from home contracts & clauses. There is a reason…


Tuesday 24th October at 10AM | GMT

Lucy Adams: Influencing Leaders and Managers

In this webinar, Lucy Adams from Disruptive HR will explore why organisations need to empower their line managers with the tools and confidence they need to create thriving teams that deliver exceptional results.

Weds, 29th Sept 2021 at 10:00 – 10:40 AM GMT

How WeThrive in a Hybrid World

Over the last 18 months the pandemic has revolutionised the way almost all businesses work. Organisations have discovered just how vital the right technology is to be successful. But the…

hybrid working

Thu, May 27, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Hybrid Working: Strategies for Success

As the population gets vaccinated, lockdown eases, and the country returns to normality, organisations are entering a crucial period of change. But after a year of remote work, what does…

Thu, Mar 11, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 tips for unlocking motivation in your remote team

Organisations facing falling motivation levels and increasing numbers of disengaged employees in 2021 may not come as a huge surprise. Last year, 45% of UK businesses reported feeling confused about…

International Womens Day 2021

Thu, Jan 21, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 tips for your 2021 people strategy

If you want to design a people strategy that really works and enables your workforce to thrive as we recover from the pandemic then this Webinar is for you.

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM BST

Tools to improve productivity in remote teams

Just a few months ago managing a team was infinitely easier – getting everyone together in one room for a coffee or lunch in the local (remember that?). Even in…

Wed, Jan 29, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Creating a culture of listening, learning at WeThrive

In order to improve engagement, retention and wellbeing at your organisation you need a system that is designed to deliver both insights and most importantly recommendations of where to focus your valuable time to help you hit your objectives – within an already busy schedule. Learn how with this webinar

White Papers

Manager Success Toolkit: Empower Your Managers to Engage Your Teams

Download the white paper to learn how to learn what your managers need to engage their teams.

Surviving and thriving in a brave new world

This paper offers insights into how we bridge the gap between the old world and the new one – giving managers the knowledge, skills and resources they need to keep their people happy, focused, and productive.

Employee ROI – Where’s the pay back?

This whitepaper connects reliable statistics with input from industry bodies on the real cost of unhappy and disengaged staff – the figures are eye watering!

Employer of choice

It is more crucial than ever before for businesses to attract top talent and retain their best employees. What can you do to become the employer of choice?


HR strategy guide – everything you need to know to create a great culture

A robust HR Strategy is needed now more than ever! We live in an increasingly confusing and chaotic world. Civil unrest, social change, political toxicity, and physical health have created…

The guide to managing remote teams

This guide has been developed to help those managing remote teams better understand the needs of their people. The working landscape has changed drastically over the last 12 months, and…

Employee Engagement Survey: The Complete Guide

If you are serious about retaining your most productive, experienced and capable employees, you must invest in employee engagement, which for a company of any size is going to mean running a survey of some kind.