Why Managers Owning Engagement and Performance Management Matters

Andrew Heath · May 23, 2024

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the role of managers in driving employee engagement and performance management cannot be overstated. The direct involvement of managers in these areas is crucial, not only for the growth and development of their teams but also for the broader success and competitiveness of the organisation.

Why Managers Owning Engagement and Performance Management Matters

  1. Enhances Employee Engagement: Managers who take ownership of engagement and performance management tend to have teams with higher morale and job satisfaction. This is because these managers are actively involved in their team’s day-to-day activities and are consistently seeking feedback to improve the work environment. Engaged employees are more productive, more profitable, and demonstrate lower turnover rates, which significantly benefits the bottom line
  2. Improves Performance Metrics: When managers are directly involved in performance management, they can tailor development programs to the individual needs of their employees. This personalised approach not only helps in identifying and leveraging the strengths of each team member but also in addressing any areas for improvement promptly. As a result, the entire team’s performance improves, driving the organisation towards its strategic goals.
  3. Fosters a Culture of Accountability: Ownership of engagement and performance by managers helps inculcate a culture of accountability within the team. Managers lead by example, setting expectations that each team member is responsible for their performance as well as their engagement in their work. This not only enhances individual performance but also aligns team efforts with organisational objectives, leading to better overall results.
  4. Promotes Faster Decision-Making: Managers who own the engagement and performance processes are more attuned to the needs and challenges of their teams. This close involvement allows them to make quicker, more informed decisions that can positively impact the team’s effectiveness and efficiency.
  5. Drives Innovation and Adaptability: Engaged managers who actively manage performance are typically more open to innovation and change. Their teams are often more adaptable and ready to embrace new challenges, which is crucial for staying competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Check our our client case studies for engagement and performance management.

The Bottom Line Impact of Managerial Ownership

organisations that empower their managers to take charge of engagement and performance management often see a significant impact on their bottom line:

  • Increased Productivity : Engaged employees are up to 22% more productive, which directly contributes to increased profitability and revenue growth.
  • Lower Turnover Rates : High employee engagement leads to lower turnover rates, reducing the costs associated with hiring and training new staff.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction : Teams led by engaged managers are more likely to be committed to providing excellent service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Enhanced Company Reputation : Companies known for strong leadership and a committed workforce attract better talent and more business opportunities.

In conclusion, the role of managers in fostering engagement and overseeing performance management is indispensable. It not only creates a more dynamic and responsive workforce but also drives organisational success through improved productivity, innovation, and financial performance. For organisations looking to thrive, investing in managerial capabilities to enhance engagement and performance management is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

Check out this clickable demo of how WeThrive helps managers achieve this with minimal fuss.

For more insights on employee engagement and performance management, consider exploring WeThrive’s Engage+ or Perform products. Our platform provides tools and resources that empower managers to effectively engage and manage their teams, driving significant improvements in organisational performance.