Mental Health at Work


How To Help Someone Stressed At Work

If you’re wondering how to help someone stressed at work then look no further. We all face stressful days at work sometimes, but it’s important to remember this shouldn’t be…

The Top 10 Causes of Stress at Work

Stress is talked about more than any other workplace topic and it’s not hard to see why – there are enough reasons to makea list of the top 10 causes…

Womans looking at wellbeing apps

Free employee engagement tools for workforce

January is often a strange time at work for employee engagement and wellbeing. Returning from the Christmas break with a whole year ahead can be a daunting prospect, especially for…

Goodbye 2020: new year in 2021

Goodbye 2020: here’s what’s on the agenda for the new year

It’s been a tough year for businesses with many facing hardship and loss as a result of the pandemic. But we’ve also seen companies take great strides to give back…

employee wellbeing

Why 90% of UK CEOs are investing in employee wellbeing

If Covid-19 has shown us anything it’s how quickly businesses have managed to adapt in the face of crisis. But among the complex challenges CEOs and MDs have faced since…

How to keep staff happy in uncertain times

Are you concerned about how to keep staff happy during these uncertain times? In this week’s article, we explain how flexibility, a mental health at work plan and developing a…

The return to work for furloughed employees

Approximately 9.5 million jobs, from 1.2 million different employers were furloughed in the UK as part of the government’s job retention scheme. As the scheme winds down, business leaders are…

Mental Health Awareness Week celebrates kindness

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is focusing on kindness. The theme couldn’t be more apt or better timed. In such unprecedented times, anxiety levels are running high. People who…

Switching the lights on, turning the brains off

Christmas offers the perfect opportunity for employees to switch off and recharge. As we down tools and head home for Christmas, the constant pinging of emails hitting the inbox shudders…

Basketball to improve staff wellbeing

Five ideas to encourage better employee physical health

The correlation between improved mental health and wellbeing, and employee physical health through exercise is indisputable. According to The Mental Health Foundation physical activity has a huge potential to enhance…

Is your business engaging with this growing workforce?

This blog was written and contributed to WeThrive by Becky Hesilrige. Millennials, baby boomers, gen X and gen Z. According to the media, we are in the midst of generational…

White-faced clock on a blue wall

The consensus on whether banning out of hours emails would do more harm than good

Last week we were fascinated to learn of recent research from University of Sussex which suggested that banning staff from accessing their work emails outside office hours could do more…


culture of trust

How do organisations create a culture of trust

At the heart of successful hybrid working is trust. But one in three people don’t trust their employers. And nearly half of employees report feeling distrusted at work, resulting in…