Performance Reviews and Appraisals

Performance reviews and appraisals have been rethought in recent years. With 1-2-1s featuring more prominently at work, discover how you can design intelligent agendas for your people with these resources.


how to write a self evaluation

How to Write a Self Evaluation for Work

Writing a self evaluation for work can be intimidating, especially if it’s not done regularly. But getting to a place where employees feel more comfortable assessing their performance, wellbeing and…

self evaluation tools for employees

The Best Self Evaluation Tools for Employees

In recent years, self-evaluation tools for employees have become more widely ingrained into our working lives and the benefits of performance reviews are clearer than ever for both employees and…

self evaluation and growth

Why is Self Evaluation Important for Development?

The importance of self evaluation cannot be understated. Engagement, development, wellbeing and motivation are all improved when employees have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate themselves. What is self evaluation?…

How to give feedback to your boss

How to Give Feedback to Your Boss

Performance reviews have traditionally focused on the employee, not on how they are managed. But the new age of giving feedback has arrived and it’s no longer a one-way street.…

Boy holding a green mask to his face

Should an employee engagement survey be anonymous?

It’s often said that your employee engagement surveys should be anonymous because otherwise people will not be able to speak freely. At WeThrive we know that the opposite is in…

5 ways to create a coaching culture at work

Creating a coaching culture at work has several benefits for you and your employees. Staff are given development opportunities and therefore likely to feel more valued and motivated. In turn,…

Does survey completion rate matter?

I’ve just read on a well-known HR site that we shouldn’t get too hung up on survey completion rate when measuring staff engagement – it’s OK if half the staff fill…

How to fall in love with the Annual Performance Review

Hands up who loves the Annual Review?  Anyone?  Well, most of the many people we speak to find them uncomfortable, embarrassing affairs, that even break a few hearts.  And it’s…

Repositioning Employee Engagement with

Now if you’ve got a few minutes, this broadcast is well worth a listen.  Founders of WeThrive, Andrew and Piers, and WeThrive client, Janine Osmond from Salisbury NHS Trust are…

Dumping the performance review

Big business is dumping the performance review. You next?

According to the Washington Post, the annual performance review is finally on its way. A number of big companies have already said they’re taking the plunge, Accenture, Gap and Adobe…

Insights Discovery and WeThrive – what’s the difference?

Interesting question from the head of the Learning Academy in a very big multinational company: what’s the difference between WeThrive and the Insights Discovery system? On the face of it there ought…

Try our free performance review template – in the downloads centre with other valuable people-management resources!

Life, eh?  You make it through Massive Monday and you’re still manager of xyz widgets, and just when you’d like a bit of a rest here comes the performance review…


one-on-one meeting template

8 steps to running a successful employee engagement survey

The first step to finding out how your employees are feeling (and what you can do to improve engagement) is to run a survey. However, despite the rising trend towards employee engagement surveys, some companies do not always see best possible results from their implementation. We uncover the essential steps for running a successful employee engagement survey.