Employee Experience

Employee experience is essential for an organisation’s success. Company-wide, team-based and individual employee experiences all need to be nurtured. Check out our resources to learn more.


What impact does fast growth have on company culture?

The early years of building a business can be an exciting and inclusive experience. When people join an organisation at the start of a journey, they can believe they are…

Enabling Your Personal Response to the Coronavirus

Dave Ulrich, Most Influential Global HR Leader, 2021 and Wendy Ulrich, PhD were kind enough to provide this guest blog, asking the question: What resources do you need to better…

wellbeing risk assessment

How to Design a Stress Risk Assessment Action Plan

Could a stress risk assessment action plan be the thing your organisation needs this stress awareness month? This year’s theme is about regaining connectivity, certainty and control. Research shows that…

3 Strategies for Managing Stress in the Workplace

If we’ve learnt anything during the last year, it’s that strategies for managing stress in the workplace are more important than ever. It’s likely that we’ll be facing some form…

Listen and act: seven tips for becoming a good manager

Listen and act A further survey from OnePoll found that the general failure of managers to follow up concerned employees; 26% of respondents said their managers could improve the situation by following…

Improving employee experience or employee engagement

We are living in an age of greater workforce mobility, and we are smack bang in the middle of an employee-led recruitment market. In today’s fast-paced global business environment, staff…

Switching the lights on, turning the brains off

Christmas offers the perfect opportunity for employees to switch off and recharge. As we down tools and head home for Christmas, the constant pinging of emails hitting the inbox shudders…

Is your business engaging with this growing workforce?

This blog was written and contributed to WeThrive by Becky Hesilrige. Millennials, baby boomers, gen X and gen Z. According to the media, we are in the midst of generational…

A human side to enterprise – at last

Almost sixty years ago Douglas McGregor published what should have been a ground-breaking book called The Human Side of Enterprise. It contains pretty well everything you need to know about…

Why an inclusive organisation is more agile

When a business outlines its mission statement and company ethos, the words ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusive’ will often figure prominently. A stated commitment to diversity and inclusivity is now not just…

What can you do to avoid employee burn out?

What is employee burn out?  Have you been faced with a deadline so important that it simply must be done, but find yourself sitting at your desk in the afternoon…

How connected do your employees feel to your organisation?

How connected your employees feel to your organisation matters. Connected, engaged employees are happier and outperform those who don’t feel connected to the aims of the business they are working…


Thurs, 26th May 2022 at 10 – 10:40 AM | BST

A Debrief and Q&A on The Future of Banking

Personalised experiences has become an expectation for many customers, especially in banking and financial services. However, the impact of Covid-19, the global financial crisis and the Great Resignation has made this an increasingly important priority for employees as well.

company culture blueprint

Thurs, 12th May 2022 at 10 – 10:40 AM | BST

The 5 Step Culture Blueprint

In a world where organisations are competing for talent and struggling to retain staff, employees now expect a fantastic values-based culture as standard, or you will have plenty of open vacancies.

Thurs, 7th April 2022 at 10 – 10:40 AM | GMT

5 Common Engagement & Listening Strategy Mistakes

Do you want to improve the way your organisation plans, implements and follows up on the results of your engagement and listening surveys? Or are you gathering feedback for the first time?

Thu, July 29, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 Steps to a People-First Return to the Office

The opportunity to ditch commutes and enjoy home comforts have changed what people expect from the office space. Some employees can’t wait to get back to work, but even they…

Wed, Jan 29, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Creating a culture of listening, learning at WeThrive

In order to improve engagement, retention and wellbeing at your organisation you need a system that is designed to deliver both insights and most importantly recommendations of where to focus your valuable time to help you hit your objectives – within an already busy schedule. Learn how with this webinar

How to behave in the case for the non-anonymous survey

It’s often said that employee engagement surveys should be anonymous because otherwise people will not speak freely. However, did you know that in fact the opposite is true and by conducting your next survey on an individual level you will collect more comprehensive data from more willing employees? Join us for our latest webinar to find out more.

Where do Maslow and Herzberg fit in the modern workplace

The founders of WeThrive will be sharing key learnings from working with some of the top companies in the UK to maximise engagement, wellbeing and retention.

White Papers

Financial Services: How a Positive Employee Experience can Reduce Risk

Financial services firms are suffering from an acute skills shortage, heightening the pressure on those currently working in the sector, who are left to cope with daunting workloads.

Surviving and thriving in a brave new world

This paper offers insights into how we bridge the gap between the old world and the new one – giving managers the knowledge, skills and resources they need to keep their people happy, focused, and productive.

Optimising employee experience in financial services

Find out how to reduce the stress on staff brought about by working in a regulated environment.

one on one meeting remote

Accounting for people

This Whitepaper analyses the problems faced by the Accounting industry and how you can help your staff enjoy their work so they want to stay.


Personal and Professional Development Guide

The way we work has been shaken up for good and personal and professional development is on the rise. Covid-19 has forced people to develop new skills, or risk being…

The guide to managing remote teams

This guide has been developed to help those managing remote teams better understand the needs of their people. The working landscape has changed drastically over the last 12 months, and…