Remote Working

After an 18 month experiment it’s clear that remote working is here to stay in some capacity. Discover how to navigate the ins and outs of long-term remote working with our latest resources.


hybrid working from home policy

How to Create a Hybrid Working from Home Policy

With the rapid upsurge in demand for hybrid working, organisations should think about producing a written policy on how this will work in practice. The question is what should your…

working from home contracts & clauses

Working from Home: Contracts & Clauses

Remote working was originally hailed as a temporary solution during COVID-19, but as it becomes permanent many employers must understand working from home contracts & clauses. There is a reason…

Flexible Workforce Advantages And Disadvantages

Many organisations are planning new flexible working policies as we exit the pandemic, but what flexible workforce advantages and disadvantages should be considered? Advantages of a flexible workforce Wider talent…

benefits of flexible working for employees

The Benefits of Flexible Working for Employees

You may have noticed that, recently, there has been an abundance of blogs, articles and studies about flexible working, but what are the benefits of flexible working for employees? Millions…

requesting flexible working

Requesting Flexible Working Post-Covid

Now people are confident that they can get the job done at home, there is an increase in employees requesting flexible working. The nation has become so accustomed to working…

hybrid work models

Hybrid Work Models: A New Way of Working

The global pandemic has driven an unplanned experiment with hybrid work models, most specifically with remote working. It could change the way we work forever. As business leaders contemplate the…

3 Strategies for Managing Stress in the Workplace

If we’ve learnt anything during the last year, it’s that strategies for managing stress in the workplace are more important than ever. It’s likely that we’ll be facing some form…

remote one-on-one meeting template

One-on-One Meeting Template for Remote Managers

One-on-one meetings have the potential to deliver huge value. However, more often than not managers end up going in blind. Without a comprehensive one-on-one meeting template your employees’ needs and…

virtual staff engagement

4 Ways to Boost Virtual Staff Engagement

Improving virtual staff engagement has become all the more important as we settle into a new world of work. A year on, and the novelty of remote working has truly…

Goodbye 2020: new year in 2021

Goodbye 2020: here’s what’s on the agenda for the new year

It’s been a tough year for businesses with many facing hardship and loss as a result of the pandemic. But we’ve also seen companies take great strides to give back…

Duty of care for remote employees

Why corporate responsibility matters!

The sudden, and in many cases unplanned, shift to remote working presents a host of challenges for employers. A major concern at a corporate level is ensuring organisations meet their…

remote team manager

How to make a success of managing your remote teams

Not so long ago, getting everyone together in one room for a pep talk was a go-to management tool. It was never a walk in the park, but with remote…


hybrid working

Thu, May 27, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Hybrid Working: Strategies for Success

As the population gets vaccinated, lockdown eases, and the country returns to normality, organisations are entering a crucial period of change. But after a year of remote work, what does…

Thu, Mar 11, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 tips for unlocking motivation in your remote team

Organisations facing falling motivation levels and increasing numbers of disengaged employees in 2021 may not come as a huge surprise. Last year, 45% of UK businesses reported feeling confused about…

International Womens Day 2021

Thu, Jan 21, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 tips for your 2021 people strategy

If you want to design a people strategy that really works and enables your workforce to thrive as we recover from the pandemic then this Webinar is for you.

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM BST

Tools to improve productivity in remote teams

Just a few months ago managing a team was infinitely easier – getting everyone together in one room for a coffee or lunch in the local (remember that?). Even in…

Thu, July 2, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

How to to keep remote teams engaged

With teams now scattered across the country keeping them focused, engaged and productive is a challenge many people have not faced before. In this Webinar we will share some simple, actionable tips that can help you get to grips with the ‘new normal’.