Industry Statistics


International Womens Day 2021

Commit to Eliminating Bias at Work

What is International Women’s Day? International women’s day has been celebrated for well over 100 years to recognise the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world.…

Duty of care for remote employees

Why corporate responsibility matters!

The sudden, and in many cases unplanned, shift to remote working presents a host of challenges for employers. A major concern at a corporate level is ensuring organisations meet their…

Wellbeing in the Workplace: How well are we doing in the UK?

Many UK businesses are now talking the talk, but just how many are actually making progress with wellbeing in the workplace? Well, this year we’ve decided to focus on the…

Why overworked employees are less productive

What’s your perception of a good work ethic? Unfortunately, many still think it means overworking, staying late until the job is done, skipping lunch and answering ‘urgent’ calls at the…

Employee Engagement top HR challenge in 2018

Word on the street is that ‘employee engagement’ is no longer in the spotlight. It’s all about employee experience and employee journeys. Yet new research by Cascade HR revealed that…

White Papers

ROI: the business case for investing in your people

ROI: Why not investing in your people will cost you a fortune

Download the white paper to pull together a solid business case for investing in your people.