


Why flexibility in the workplace matters

The coronavirus pandemic forced organisations across the world to embrace remote working and propelled them into a new wave of flexibility in the workplace. Businesses had to adapt very quickly…

How to motivate sales teams working remotely

How to motivate sales teams working remotely

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2013 and has been updated. A big part of a sales team motivation comes from a sense of cohesion and camaraderie.…

The power of gratitude in the workplace

It’s a good feeling when someone says thank you and the power of gratitude in the workplace can be hugely significant. Saying thank you is easy, so why is it…

Basketball to improve staff wellbeing

Five ideas to encourage better employee physical health

The correlation between improved mental health and wellbeing, and employee physical health through exercise is indisputable. According to The Mental Health Foundation physical activity has a huge potential to enhance…

A human side to enterprise – at last

Almost sixty years ago Douglas McGregor published what should have been a ground-breaking book called The Human Side of Enterprise. It contains pretty well everything you need to know about…

Exclusive interview: If you don’t do it, you’re going to get left behind – my business and our four day week

Last week I caught up with David Stone, Chief Exec of recruitment company, MRL Consulting Group. MRL have been operating since 1997 with their head office in Brighton and additional…

Why an inclusive organisation is more agile

When a business outlines its mission statement and company ethos, the words ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusive’ will often figure prominently. A stated commitment to diversity and inclusivity is now not just…

Insights from the inaugural CIPD Festival of Work

We were delighted to showcase WeThrive at the recent CIPD Festival of Work held at London’s Olympia earlier this month. It was truly a pleasure to mingle with so many…

What does bringing your whole self to work actually mean, and why does it matter?

Is holding back vulnerability a good thing in the workplace or not? Some business leaders implore employees to hang up any personal problems at the door when they come to…

What can you do to avoid employee burn out?

What is employee burn out?  Have you been faced with a deadline so important that it simply must be done, but find yourself sitting at your desk in the afternoon…

Is the 4-day working week the future?

The idea of introducing a 4-day week may horrify some business owners. Surely if staff work for less hours that would translate to a reduction in productivity and profit? Well…

How connected do your employees feel to your organisation?

How connected your employees feel to your organisation matters. Connected, engaged employees are happier and outperform those who don’t feel connected to the aims of the business they are working…