Thought leadership


Organisational culture goes beyond mission statement

We salute any company that cares enough about its staff to realise that company culture is important. But the real heroes are the ones who think this through fully and…

Why HR need to break the law of averages

I was talking to the noted performer, commentator and diversity campaigner Simon Fanshawe at a WeThrive advisory board the other day, when the subject of average scores came up. He…

Employee Engagement top HR challenge in 2018

Word on the street is that ‘employee engagement’ is no longer in the spotlight. It’s all about employee experience and employee journeys. Yet new research by Cascade HR revealed that…

The missing link for motivation at work

As an HR manager, how would you like the world to be different? We ask this because at WeThrive we help companies understand what their staff need in order to work…

Does survey completion rate matter?

I’ve just read on a well-known HR site that we shouldn’t get too hung up on survey completion rate when measuring staff engagement – it’s OK if half the staff fill…

How to build an effective team

There is no mystery about how to build an effective team: it happens automatically. Give a group of eight-year-olds a ball and they will improvise a game in no time,…

Which is best for motivating a team – carrots or sticks?

We spend a lot of time debating the problems of motivating a team – when to use carrots or sticks, or what level of bonus might be appropriate for a…

Staff sickness cancels 500 trains

It has been a bad week for anyone who has to commute into London by Southern Railway. The trains are packed enough as it is, with many season ticket holders…

Motivation theory

Motivation theory and what does it mean to thrive?

As you can imagine, that’s an important question to us. And in a field full of similarly vague concepts (happiness, satisfaction, engagement, motivation and so on) it seems an important…

Adapted from 'The Best Universities in the US' by T Farrant, GDS Infographics. Flickr CC Licence

Using WeThrive to boost employee engagement

There are plenty of tools out there to boost employee engagement, and they all produce impressive-looking reports. So far so good, but the hard part for managers who have to do…

Protests in Paris by Antonin Remon. Flickr Creative Commons licence

How to improve employee engagement, not lose your shirt

France is famous for direct action, but this was something else We’re used to piles of burning tyres at the Eurotunnel, lakes of milk in the Champs-Elysées, etc., but the…

Repositioning Employee Engagement with

Now if you’ve got a few minutes, this broadcast is well worth a listen.  Founders of WeThrive, Andrew and Piers, and WeThrive client, Janine Osmond from Salisbury NHS Trust are…