HR matters


The Top 10 Causes of Stress at Work

Stress is talked about more than any other workplace topic and it’s not hard to see why – there are enough reasons to makea list of the top 10 causes…


Why flexibility in the workplace matters

The coronavirus pandemic forced organisations across the world to embrace remote working and propelled them into a new wave of flexibility in the workplace. Businesses had to adapt very quickly…

woman in navy suit jacket

Employee engagement survey design: six critical considerations 

Employee surveys can be extremely useful, done right – pulling people together and galvanising them into making useful changes. Given that this is the Information Age, it’s natural enough for…

A human side to enterprise – at last

Almost sixty years ago Douglas McGregor published what should have been a ground-breaking book called The Human Side of Enterprise. It contains pretty well everything you need to know about…

What do employee ratings say about your business culture?

Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest recruitment sites, has just announced the winners of its annual Employees’ Choice Awards honouring the 50 best places to work in the UK in…

Why AI and robotics in service of our bio-psycho-social needs

Just recently the Head of People Analytics at the National Australia Bank pointed out on LinkedIn how much value people analytics will add when it ‘grows up’. In this view the analytics team…

Google walkout – inevitable and avoidable

Last week Staff at Google offices around the world staged an unprecedented series of walkouts in protest at the company’s treatment of women. In this blog we explore why you should be…

Organisational culture goes beyond mission statement

We salute any company that cares enough about its staff to realise that company culture is important. But the real heroes are the ones who think this through fully and…

Why HR need to break the law of averages

I was talking to the noted performer, commentator and diversity campaigner Simon Fanshawe at a WeThrive advisory board the other day, when the subject of average scores came up. He…

Wellbeing in the Workplace: How well are we doing in the UK?

Many UK businesses are now talking the talk, but just how many are actually making progress with wellbeing in the workplace? Well, this year we’ve decided to focus on the…

How to meet top HR objectives with your wellbeing strategy

Wellbeing in the workplace is certainly getting more attention and there has been some progress with changing attitudes, but C-level board members and senior stakeholders still need convincing on the…

Why overworked employees are less productive

What’s your perception of a good work ethic? Unfortunately, many still think it means overworking, staying late until the job is done, skipping lunch and answering ‘urgent’ calls at the…