HR matters


Employee Engagement top HR challenge in 2018

Word on the street is that ‘employee engagement’ is no longer in the spotlight. It’s all about employee experience and employee journeys. Yet new research by Cascade HR revealed that…

Staff recognition - picture is Thank You by Nate Grigg - Flickr CC licence

Is World Gratitude Day a useful contribution to staff recognition?

Today is World Gratitude Day Hooray. A lot of empty gestures will be made today, says my inner cynic, mostly in companies that want employees to think they really care. This is…

How to retain top talent in the financial services industry

Retaining talent is becoming a top priority for the financial services industry. As Ed Price, Head of Finance, Experis UK & Ireland recently put it ‘The financial services world is…

Stormtrooper with an employee engagement idea

Employee engagement idea

There is an epidemic of exhaustion. Wherever you look, people are tired, fatigued, worn out and struggling to motivate themselves in a life that seems devoid of meaning. No wonder…

The missing link for motivation at work

As an HR manager, how would you like the world to be different? We ask this because at WeThrive we help companies understand what their staff need in order to work…

What we learned at the HRD summit Birmingham

The HRD Summit at the ICC in Birmingham is the most senior gathering of HR Directors in Europe, and WeThrive was proud to be there, in the exhibition hall and…

Working remotely: what you need to know

When it comes to employee engagement, a variety of measures can be implemented in the workplace to make sure everyone can work at their best. A brilliant way to help…

It’s National Stress Awareness Day – but you knew that…

If you work in HR you will already know all about stress, so you may not take that kindly to being reminded about National Stress Awareness Day. But read on…

Making work fun

I just received an email asking “Could Ping Pong, ice cream or space hoppers help you to improve key HR issues such as productivity, wellbeing, engagement and absence management?” The…

Getting buy-in for the staff survey

Millions spent, to what purpose? According to SurveyGizmo a typical employee survey might get about 35% response rate. InSync suggest that a really well-designed staff survey could get a 60%…

How to fall in love with the Annual Performance Review

Hands up who loves the Annual Review?  Anyone?  Well, most of the many people we speak to find them uncomfortable, embarrassing affairs, that even break a few hearts.  And it’s…

Stress is the key to absence management

The CIPD‘s annual survey on absence management paints a fairly grim picture. Stress-related absence is up on last year in most sectors, especially in the public services, and only a…