
Join one of our regular employee engagement webinars covering topics including mental health, wellbeing, employee engagement, neuroscience and many aspects of leadership.

Whether you are new to the topic or are just looking for some of the latest thinking to help inform your people strategy our webinars are a great place to start. Simply click on the register link – complete the short form and you are all set!

We’ll guide you through some of the hot topics including mental health, resilience, employee engagement, wellbeing. If there is a topic you would like us to cover just contact us and we will do our best to put together a new webinar.

headspace and breathe

Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Safeguarding employee wellbeing and improving productivity

Among the complex challenges CEOs and MDs have faced this year, keeping the workforce safe, happy and productive has been one of the most important – yet hardest to overcome.…

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM BST

Tools to improve productivity in remote teams

Just a few months ago managing a team was infinitely easier – getting everyone together in one room for a coffee or lunch in the local (remember that?). Even in…

Thu, July 2, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

How to to keep remote teams engaged

With teams now scattered across the country keeping them focused, engaged and productive is a challenge many people have not faced before. In this Webinar we will share some simple, actionable tips that can help you get to grips with the ‘new normal’.

Thu, Mar 19, 2020 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM GMT

How to boost employee engagement

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Breathe – a leading provider of HR management software for small businesses – to host a webinar exploring the importance of improving employee engagement to boost workplace productivity.

Wed, Jan 29, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Creating a culture of listening, learning at WeThrive

In order to improve engagement, retention and wellbeing at your organisation you need a system that is designed to deliver both insights and most importantly recommendations of where to focus your valuable time to help you hit your objectives – within an already busy schedule. Learn how with this webinar

Why your people leave company, and what you can do about it

The average employee costs an SME £12,000 to replace, so what can your business do to ensure you retain key staff who are critical to business success in 2020 and beyond?

one-on-one meeting template

8 steps to running a successful employee engagement survey

The first step to finding out how your employees are feeling (and what you can do to improve engagement) is to run a survey. However, despite the rising trend towards employee engagement surveys, some companies do not always see best possible results from their implementation. We uncover the essential steps for running a successful employee engagement survey.

Becoming the employer of choice to attract top talent

Business psychologist Piers Bishop of WeThrive and Strategy Director Belinda Gannaway of Fathom XP, will discuss what employers can do to become the employer of choice as well as strategies and insight on how to make it happen.

The Future of Employee Engagement Report 2019

The Future of Employee Engagement Report 2019 uses the trends from WeThrive survey results and industry experts to provide analysis on what 2019 holds for HR professionals striving for success in their employee engagement strategies.

How to behave in the case for the non-anonymous survey

It’s often said that employee engagement surveys should be anonymous because otherwise people will not speak freely. However, did you know that in fact the opposite is true and by conducting your next survey on an individual level you will collect more comprehensive data from more willing employees? Join us for our latest webinar to find out more.

Where do Maslow and Herzberg fit in the modern workplace

The founders of WeThrive will be sharing key learnings from working with some of the top companies in the UK to maximise engagement, wellbeing and retention.