Employee Motivation and Productivity

Are your people motivated, productive and profitable? Follow these tips to nurture a people-first company culture where all your employees can become top performers.


Why is it so hard to keep good teachers?

The kids are not alright If you come from a privileged background your life chances are still greater – the gap between rich and poor remains ‘persistently high’. The Commission…

The missing link for motivation at work

As an HR manager, how would you like the world to be different? We ask this because at WeThrive we help companies understand what their staff need in order to work…

Which is best for motivating a team – carrots or sticks?

We spend a lot of time debating the problems of motivating a team – when to use carrots or sticks, or what level of bonus might be appropriate for a…

Staff sickness cancels 500 trains

It has been a bad week for anyone who has to commute into London by Southern Railway. The trains are packed enough as it is, with many season ticket holders…

Motivation theory

Motivation theory and what does it mean to thrive?

As you can imagine, that’s an important question to us. And in a field full of similarly vague concepts (happiness, satisfaction, engagement, motivation and so on) it seems an important…

CIPD Future-focussed HR & How do we boost motivation in the workplace?

CIPD Annual Conference – future-focussed HR building motivation in the workplace

The CIPD annual conference next week has as its tag-line “Future-focussed HR at its best”. It’s looking like it will be a great event. One talk particularly caught my eye on…

Protests in Paris by Antonin Remon. Flickr Creative Commons licence

How to improve employee engagement, not lose your shirt

France is famous for direct action, but this was something else We’re used to piles of burning tyres at the Eurotunnel, lakes of milk in the Champs-Elysées, etc., but the…

Four steps to the best employee retention strategy

So you already tried free yoga sessions, a pool table in the kitchen, discount health club, pilates in the lunchbreak and wacky colour schemes in the relaxation zone, and you’re still…

Why are so many people unhappy at work?

One way to answer the question about why so many people hate their jobs is to remember the very best job you ever had and ask yourself what made it…

Repositioning Employee Engagement

Live discussion from Employee Engagement experts – 7th September @ 5.30pm Does your organisation have 100% fully committed and engaged workforce? Could your employee’s motivation and engagement perhaps be better? …

One thing every manager can do that always improves staff performance

One thing every manager can do that always improves staff performance

It’s Monday morning and I have a weekly management meeting with my director…. Last week was not a good week – we missed our numbers again ;-( As expected got…

Want to improve motivation at work? Take a walk…

Unsophisticated as it might sound, just walking is one of the best things you can do in the working day to improve motivation at work.  A new study shows that a few walks a…


Thurs 8th December 2022 at 10:00 | GMT

Improve Productivity & Efficiency in 2023 with WeThrive

The world has changed dramatically, and the workplace is more chaotic than ever. For your businesses and people to succeed in 2023, investing in productivity and efficiency is crucial.

Thu, Mar 11, 2021 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

5 tips for unlocking motivation in your remote team

Organisations facing falling motivation levels and increasing numbers of disengaged employees in 2021 may not come as a huge surprise. Last year, 45% of UK businesses reported feeling confused about…

headspace and breathe

Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM GMT

Safeguarding employee wellbeing and improving productivity

Among the complex challenges CEOs and MDs have faced this year, keeping the workforce safe, happy and productive has been one of the most important – yet hardest to overcome.…

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM BST

Tools to improve productivity in remote teams

Just a few months ago managing a team was infinitely easier – getting everyone together in one room for a coffee or lunch in the local (remember that?). Even in…