Employee Engagement Resources

3 employers nailing their wellbeing strategy

We have talked a lot recently about the lack of progress employers in the UK are making on their wellbeing strategies. How negative of us! With that in mind we…

5 ways to motivate employees without free beer

Okay, so there are plenty of other company perks around but ‘free beer’ sums up a general trend for employers at the moment. Who are now more aware of the…

Wellbeing in the Workplace: How well are we doing in the UK?

Many UK businesses are now talking the talk, but just how many are actually making progress with wellbeing in the workplace? Well, this year we’ve decided to focus on the…

How to meet top HR objectives with your wellbeing strategy

Wellbeing in the workplace is certainly getting more attention and there has been some progress with changing attitudes, but C-level board members and senior stakeholders still need convincing on the…

5 ways to create a coaching culture at work

Creating a coaching culture at work has several benefits for you and your employees. Staff are given development opportunities and therefore likely to feel more valued and motivated. In turn,…

Why overworked employees are less productive

What’s your perception of a good work ethic? Unfortunately, many still think it means overworking, staying late until the job is done, skipping lunch and answering ‘urgent’ calls at the…

Employee Engagement top HR challenge in 2018

Word on the street is that ‘employee engagement’ is no longer in the spotlight. It’s all about employee experience and employee journeys. Yet new research by Cascade HR revealed that…

6 ways to motivate employees with the January blues

For many companies 2017 was the Year Of The Pool Table or climbing wall, yoga mat, free fruit basket, [enter chosen gimmick here]. It will be a while before we…

Employee presenteeism: the real reason sickness rates are ‘lower’

If you looked at the statistics for lost working days, you might think that medical science has made a miraculous leap forward and cured the majority of employee ailments. According…

Staff recognition - picture is Thank You by Nate Grigg - Flickr CC licence

Is World Gratitude Day a useful contribution to staff recognition?

Today is World Gratitude Day Hooray. A lot of empty gestures will be made today, says my inner cynic, mostly in companies that want employees to think they really care. This is…

How to retain top talent in the financial services industry

Retaining talent is becoming a top priority for the financial services industry. As Ed Price, Head of Finance, Experis UK & Ireland recently put it ‘The financial services world is…

Retaining new accounting talent

Ungrateful or what? You take people fresh from university, invest all that time and money training them, and minutes later they’re off – just as they’re starting to be useful. Retaining…